4.1.13 Create a Risk Evaluation Item
Risk Evaluation items are an important part of the Risk feature in AgilityBMS. Risk identification and mitigation can be implemented by using Risk Evaluations to identify the risks involved in achieving operational objectives. Risk Evaluation is then linked to Risk Matrix, Hazard and Control Items.
You must ensure at least one Risk Matrix is in place (either AgilityBMS Risk Matrix or online Risk Matrix) before any Risk Evaluation Items are created. To Create a Risk Evaluation Item
- Navigate to the Workspaces Tab
Click the Risk Evaluation icon (Create Risk Evaluation window appears)
Create Risk Evaluation Window
- If required enter Number
- Enter Title
- If Advanced Properties are in place and are required then select relevant Advanced Properties
If Item Roles are in place click Add or Item Role icon
- Navigate to the Detail tab
- Click Detail Tab
- Specify Description of Risk Evaluation (this can be just a brief description)
- Specify Who or What is Affected (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify Evaluation Cause (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify Evaluation Event (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify Evaluation Outcome (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify Evaluation Source from the drop down menu which is defined in the Risk Settings (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify the Evaluation Response Type from the drop down menu which is defined in the Risk Settings (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify the Evaluation Type Item from the drop down menu which is defined in the Risk Settings (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
- Specify the Evaluation Cost associated with the Risk from the drop down menu which is defined in the Risk Settings (Note this is not a mandatory field and if left blank will be omitted from the Risk Evaluation when viewed in the User Suite)
Risk Evaluation Details Window
- Define the Risk Matrix that you wish to select by clicking Mode, there are three modes available:
- Risk Matrix - Utilises the Risk matrices within AgilityBMS
- External URL - Enables you utilise a risk matrix from a external source such as another Risk Management software package and then manually type a Risk rating
- Risk Mode Description - Enables you manually type a Risk Rating
Risk Mode Options
- After selecting the Risk Matrix option the Evaluation Type is selected to define which Risk Matrix is to be used
- Select Risk Rating from the Risk matrix by clicking the relevant cell on the Risk Matrix (Risk Rating is automatically defined by the Risk Matrix)
Risk Evaluation - Risk Matrix and Risk Rating Selection
- Where the Risk Matrix being used is external to AgilityBMS then select External URL
- Define the URL and URL Name
- Enter the Rating
Risk Evaluation Mode Showing External URL
- Where the Risk Matrix is going to be entered manually then select Risk Mode Description
- Enter the description
- Enter the Rating
Risk Evaluation Mode showing Risk Mode Description
- Add Attachments (if required) by selecting files from your local or network dives (there is no limit to the number, but each is limited to 15MB in size)
- Add Controls
- Click the Add Control Button
- Click Search
- Select required item(s)
- Click Select (items appear in the Controls section of the Risk Evaluation)
- If the Control you require is not available then select Create New Control; which opens a new window for New Control, see Section 4.1.15
Linked Controls to Risk Evaluation
- Add Hazards
- Click the Add Hazard Button
- Click Search
- Select required item(s)
- Click Select (items appear in the Hazards section of the Risk Evaluation)
- If the Hazard you require is not available then select Create New Hazard; which opens a new window for New Hazard, see Section 4.1.14
Linked Hazards to Risk Evaluation
- Add Links to AgilityBMS Items
- Click Add Links
- Search for AgilityBMS Items
- Select required AgilityBMS Items
- Press Select
- Add URL
- Select URL or Dynamic URL from drop down list
- Enter Destination URL
- Define Link Name
- Click OK
- Click Save (Risk Evaluation is now saved in the system) or you can Save and Check In the Risk Evaluation Item
The Risk Evaluation Item is now ready for the Item Workflow to be initiated.
- You can define Periodic Review Settings of the Item - See Section 4.1.4 for details on how to achieve this
- You can define Subscription Settings of the Item - See Section 4.1.5 for details on how to achieve this Action a Risk Evaluation after Creation
- In the Risk Evaluation Designer toolbar select Action Items
New Item Window Management
Item Workflow Screen
- The Item Workflow screen is opened where the Risk Evaluation (the default workflow for a Risk Evaluation is Advanced) can have the following set:
- Send for Review with the Review Task Settings being modified if required - See Section 4.3.4 for details on how to achieve this
- Set as Reviewed
- Send for Approval with the Approval Task Settings being modified if required - See Section 4.3.7 for details on how to achieve this
- Set as Approved
- Release. Action a Risk Evaluation at a Later Date
- On the Welcome page or Workspaces tab, select Item Query
- Enter the Number/Title or part of the Number/Title of the Risk Evaluation in the All or part of the item: field
- In Where item type is: select Risk Evaluation
- Click Search
- On the required Risk Evaluation, right-click on the Risk Evaluation and select Action Items
New Query > Risk Evaluation Item > Showing Right Mouse Button Options
- The Item Workflow screen is opened where the Risk Evaluation Item can enter into the Item Workflow, see previous section ( for more information.