4.1.11 Create a Role
A Role Item is a description of a function within the organisation. There are two types of Roles (Role or Competency). Roles are used as Actioners on Process Maps and assigned to AgilityBMS Users in order to allow for targeted content in the User Suite. To Create a Role Item
- Navigate to the Workspaces Tab
Click the Role icon (Create Role window appears)
Create Role Window
- If required enter Number
- Enter Title
- If Advanced Properties are in place and are required then select relevant Advanced Properties
If Item Roles are in place click Add or Item Role icon
- Navigate to the Detail tab
Role Item Detail Tab
- Expand the Role Type (drop down menu appears)
- Select Role Type
- Role as a job title
- Competency as a capability or additional skills
- Specify who the Role Reports to
- Click the reports to magnifying glass icon (list of AgilityBMS roles is opened)
- Select relevant Role
- Click Select (role appears in the reports to section)
- Specify the Main Duties (this could be a brief description of responsibilities as the Role Item is supported with links which could be formal a Job Description for the role in full detail)
- Specify Links (if required)
- Click the Add Link button (new query window appears)
- Click Search
- Select relevant Item
- Click Select (Item/s appears in the Links sections)
Links Assigned to a Role
- Click Save (Role is now saved in the system) or you can Save and Check In the Role Item
- The Role is now ready for the Item Workflow to be initiated.
- You can define Periodic Review Settings of the Item - See Section 4.1.4 for details on how to achieve this
- You can define Subscription Settings of the Item - See Section 4.1.5 for details on how to achieve this Action a Role after Creation
- In the Role Designer toolbar select Action Item
New Item Window Management
Item Workflow Screen
- The Item Workflow screen is opened where the Role Item (the default workflow for a Role is Basic) can have the following set:
- Send for Review with the Review Task Settings being modified if required - See Section 4.3.4 for details on how to achieve this
- Set as Reviewed
- Send for Approval with the Approval Task Settings being modified if required - See Section 4.3.7 for details on how to achieve this
- Set as Approved
- Release. Action a Role at a Later Date
- On the Welcome page or Workspaces tab, select Item Query
- Enter the Number/Title or part of the Number/Title of the Role in the All or part of the item: field
- In Where item type is: select Role
- Click Search
- On the required Role, right-click on the Role and select Action Items
New Query > Role Item > Showing Right Mouse Button Options
- The Item Workflow screen is opened where the Role Item can enter into the Item Workflow, see previous section ( for more information.