5.11 Configure Service Connection


Once the Admin Suite is launched it is possible to configure the AgilityBMS Service Connection in order to either connect to another AgilityBMS instance (where there are multiple databases in place such as Live, Training and/or Test Instance) to learn what the current service connection to the Admin Suite is (for example for connection to Microsoft Visio).

Note that the Admin Suite will be closed when the AgilityBMS service connection URL is edited.

To configure Service Connection:

    1. Navigate to the System Tab and select the Configure Service Connection icon in the top menu (warning message is displayed).

    1. If required to continue click Yes (configure AgilityBMS service window is opened)

    1. Copy or edit the current AgilityBMS Services URL
    2. Click OK (warning message is displayed)

    1. Click OK (the Admin Suite will be closed)
    2. Launch the AgilityBMS Admin Suite.