4.6.5 Manage System Navigator


Once a System Navigator is created it is possible to view and edit the content using the System Navigator Manager.

To Edit a System Navigator:

    1. Navigate to the Workspaces Tab
    2. Click on the System Navigator Manager icon (System Navigators window appears)

System Navigator Manager

    1. Locate the required System Navigator that requires edited
    2. Select Check Out
    3. Select Create Draft
    4. Select Open
    5. Expand the required Sections or Headers and edit the content by either adding or editing the Item or URLs
    6. Click Save or Save and Check In

System Navigator Checked In

    1. Click Close to return to main Navigator window
    2. Click Refresh in System Navigators Toolbar

    1. Highlight required Navigator
    2. Click Release

Note that only released items will be accessible through the system navigator in the User Suite.