4.8.2 Create Subscription Groups 


To create a new Subscription Group for Items:

    1. Navigate to the Workspaces Tab
    2. Click the Down Arrow under Subscriptions and select New Subscription Group (Create New Subscription Group window appears)

  • There are two tabs with the Subscription Settings the first tab to completed.

  • Subscription Settings Tab

    1. Enter the Title
    2. Enter a Description
    3. Define the number of days the Subscription Task is to run for (this is number days that people will have to acknowledge that they have read the Item
    4. Issue a reminder - this is the first reminder and is set as the number of days prior to due date
    5. Repeat reminder every - this is further reminders after the initial reminder and can be only be set if the Issue a reminder is ticked.
    6. Add Subscribers; these can be People, Roles or Audience Groups
    7. The Agility Item Query Window is opened which enables you to search for People, Roles or Audience Groups that you wish to have as subscribers

    8. Tick the selected Persons, Roles or Audience Groups the example below shows 3 Persons; 3 Role and 1 Audience Group

    9. You have defined the detail and subscribers for the Subscription Group and now need to add the Items.

    Membership Tab

    1. Click the Membership Tab to open the Members Window

    2. Click Add Item, the Agility Item Query Window is opened which enables you to search and select any Agility Items that you wish to have subscribed

    3. You can then review the items subscribed and add more if required, you can also remove any Items by clicking Remove Selected Items


          4.  You have now completed the New Subscription Group; Click Save.