4.7.2 Edit Global Default Periodic Review Settings for Items


To edit Global Default Periodic Review Settings for Items:

    1. Navigate to the Workspaces Tab
    2. Click the Down Arrow under Periodic Review and Select Global Settings (Default Periodic Review Settings window appears)

    3. There is on tab for each Item Type down the left hand side
    4. For tab you can establish if the Item Type requires Periodic Review - this can be ticked or unticked depending on your organisation's global requirements.

General Tab options:

    1. The number of days that the Periodic Review task will run for
    2. Auto-complete on the due date - by ticking this will mean that once the Periodic Review task period has ended then the Periodic Review task will close; it cannot go overdue
    3. Auto-complete prior to due date if all actioners have voted - by ticking this will mean that once all actioners have voted then the Periodic Review task will close
    4. Issue a reminder - this is the first reminder and is set as the number of days prior to due date
    5. Repeat reminder every - this is further reminders after the initial reminder and can be only be set if the Issue a reminder is ticked.

Periodic Review Settings Window, showing General Tab settings

Recurrence Tab options:

This relates to the frequency of the periodic review for the item

The periodic review can be set:

    1. Weekly - the recurrence period can be set and also if can be set to recur on a certain day of the week (this is useful if you wish to avoid Saturdays and Sunday)

Periodic Review Settings Window, showing Recurrence - Weekly Settings

Role Involvement Tab options:

This relates to defining if any of the Item Roles defined within the System and the Administrators are to have involvement in the Periodic Review (note the Item Roles may vary to those shown below depending on your own System Settings for Item Roles)

    1. For each Item role:
    • Responsible - this means that the person/s will allocated a Periodic Review Task for action and issued with an email for the task
    • Informed - this means that the person/s will allocated a Periodic Review Task for Information (no action required)

2. Administrators can only be informed.

Periodic Review Settings Window, showing Additional Actioners Tab settings

Upon Completion of editing Global Periodic Settings click Save.