1.2 Agility MOC Features and Functionality


1.2.1 Measuring the Costs and Benefits

Agility MOC gives you clarity in the key areas impacted by the change and allows you to see clearly:

  • How the proposed change aligns with your strategic goals e.g. will it improve the value chain or support functions?
  • How will it affect the workforce? e.g. are all stakeholders aware of the full impact of the change and feel included in the process, what roles will be affected, and have training needs been considered?
  • How your current processes will be affected by change e.g. how will change affect individual steps within a process, processes linked across business groups, the risk inherent in each process involved and the information related to each process? Will it increase efficiency? Will it reduce risk?

1.2.2  Managing the Process of Change

Deciding whether or not the change is feasible is of course just the first step. If you decide that the change is feasible then you will want to manage the process successfully. Agility MOC will enable you to:

  • Set reasonable expectations amongst your workforce regarding the value of the change
  • Manage each individual component within the change
  • Chart the progress of change across your whole organisation
  • Establish a clear governance structure of roles and responsibilities
  • Actions that take into account the individual detailed aspects of the change
  • Set a clear and achievable timelines

1.2.3  Functionality

Agility MOC has many key functions that enable you to manage change effectively and include:

  • Unique ID for every change request
  • Capture the details for the change
  • Capture the reasons for change
  • Outline the potential impacts
  • Identity the processes, roles, people and documents that will be impacted by the change
  • Capture expected duration
  • Configurable types of change
  • Set the priority of the change
  • Explain the reasons for priorities
  • Allocate coordinators, owners and reviewers
  • Upload and attach supporting documents
  • Set target close out dates
  • Raise actions and assign owners and reviewers for each action
  • Track the progress/status of changes across the organisation in a coordinated manner

1.2.4  Summary

The Agility MOC module will enhance the governance of managing change and through the pre-determined rigor of the workflow and will ensure that the required actions at each stage are completed to a level of satisfaction. It is commonplace to find companies who adopt a fragmented approach by using home-spun techniques such as multiple Excel spread-sheets, emails and untraceable phone calls which ultimately increases the confusion surrounding the storing of evidence related to the planned change. It is recognised good practise that change can only be confirmed as being completed once all the relevant stakeholders have been considered, actions are closed out satisfactorily, and all pertinent records are locked in a secure file that once closed, cannot be re-opened.